65yrs old male patient came to casually with c/o shortness of breath and pedal edema
A 65 yr old male was brought to casualty with c/o SOB since 5 days, pedal edema since 20 days. Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 years back - was diagnosed with hypertension and diabetes when he visited a local hospital for fever. 6 to 7 months back - He started to experience Dyspnea, which was sudden onset, progressive. He also complained of orthopnea. He was diagnosed with CAD and he underwent at CAG on 19/10/2021 which reveled single vessel disease - LAD territory. The patient also underwent renal angiogram and and was found to have bilateral renal artery stenosis with 90% of Left renal artery to be stenosed and was advised renal artery stenting. He also had OM3 70% stenosis, proximal LAD 50 %, right renal artery 50%, left renal artery 90% stenosis. PTCA with OM2 and PTRA to left renal artery was done on 12/11/21. Since 15 days he has SOB. patient presented with SOB grade 3-4 and pedal edema since 20 days. Abdominal distension present. Patient was chr...